Disney Animation Art Moving Day Limited Edition Cel Featuring Mickey, Pete, and Donald from "Disney Villains Volume I," Signed by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas
Studio: Disney
Medium: Limited Edition Cel
Film: Moving Day
Title: Disney Villains Volume I
Year: 1989
Characters: Mickey, Pete, Donald
Edition: 201/500 (faded - see image)
Signed: by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas (on the back)
Unframed Size: 13" x 18
Framed Size: 23 3/8" x 19 3/8
Additional Details: Disney Animation Art Limited Edition Cel featuring Mickey, Pete, and Donald from Disney Villains Volume I: Commemorative Edition. The cel set-up from Moving Day is from Scene 10: Pete threatens to evict Mickey and Donald and sell their furniture.
Disney, Moving Day, Disney Villains Volume I, (1989), Mickey, Pete, Donald, by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas (on the back), Limited Edition Cel, Edition 201/500 (faded - see image), 23 3/8" x 19 3/8 Framed Size, 13" x 18 Sheet Size,