Walt Disney Alice in Wonderland Animation Art Sericel, Curtsey to the Queen, Signed by Kathryn Beaumont (The original voice of Alice)

Walt Disney Alice in Wonderland Animation Art Sericel, Curtsey to the Queen, Signed by Kathryn Beaumont (The original voice of Alice)

Studio: Disney

Medium: Limited Edition Cel

Film: Alice in Wonderland

Title: Curtsey to the Queen

Year: 1993

Characters: Alice, The Queen of Hearts

Edition: 5000

Signed: Kathryn Beaumont (The original voice of Alice)

Framed Size: 17 1/2" x 20 5/8"

Additional Details: This sericel , "Curtsey to the Queen," is from Sequence 9,5, Scene 69 of Alice in Wonderland: The Queen of Hearts greets a shy Alice, and promptly corrects Alice's manners with proper English protocol: "...and always ...say 'Yes, your Majesty.'"



Disney, Alice in Wonderland, Curtsey to the Queen, (1993), Alice, The Queen of Hearts, Kathryn Beaumont (The original voice of Alice), Limited Edition Cel, Edition 5000, 17 1/2" x 20 5/8" Framed Size,

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